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Welcome to WEE
Woodbrook Early Education Center
STEM ⎮ Music ⎮ Art ⎮Movement
The WEE Center is a reflection of our world. Our students come from around the world, from different backgrounds, from different family dynamics. And we support all the families that come through our doors. We welcome all who enter our doors because we know that diversity is our strongest asset.


Do you teach religion to your students?We teach chilren Christian values by examples, Bible stories, and songs. We communicate about God, Jesus, church, nature, family, self, and others through special acticities and general conversations through the course of the day. We also recognize that our students come from a variety of religious backgrounds and are sensitive to other traditions.
What are the professional requirements for your teachers?All of our teachers have a certificate in early childhood education with a minimum of 90 hours. At least one teacher in each of our classrooms has a four-year degree. Our staff members are also credentialed through the Maryland State Department of Education Credentiallying program.
What is the Student:Teacher ratio in your classrooms?Currently, our ratio is 12 children to 3 teachers in our Red Room (our 2 year olds room), Our Yellow Room (our 3 year olds room) ratio is 14 children to 3 teachers, Our Green Room (our 4 year olds/pre-K room) ratio is 16 children to 2 teachers.
Do you provide lunches or snacks for the students?Good question! We are able to provide a variety of healthy snacks on a rotation for our classroom friends. We have snack-time in the morning. If your student stays for our After Care Program we provide a snack for "after school". Lunch is provided by the parents. We have a refridgerator for your convenince to keep cold things cold. We can not microwave food for your child. We provide either water or milk to drink for snack and/or lunch times. If your child has a food allergy we take this very seriously and provide as safe an evironment as possible..
Does my child have to be toilet trained?No. You're releaved, right? We know that tackling this milestone can be tough. We understand that children who are not yet developmentally ready, or able, to use the toilet alone will eventually reach this marker when they are ready. We work with you to encourage your child(ren) reach this important milestone.
How do you ensure my childs safety and security?Our doors are locked througout the day and are only unlocked briefly at arrival and pick up times. Only individuals on the Emergency Contact cards are allowed to pick up children from our school. If we do not recognize someone who is new to picking up your child, we will ask to see their identification/drivers license. To prepare for emergencies we have fire, evacuation, and shelter in place drills. We are a close knit community and are attune to unfamiliar faces. Your childs safety is our priority.
How are families kept informed about what is going on in the classroom and the school?Families receive a daily sheet (WEE Note) describing the activities and curriculum themes of your child's day and a monthly newsletter containing Center-wide news is emailed to everyone. We also share pictures on Facebook as a glimpse into your child's classroom. Individual parent-teacher conferences are scheduled twice a year; more often if a special need arises.
Are families permitted to get involved at The WEE Center?Of course! Families are our most valued resource!! We welcome your interest and desire to be involved and appreciate your help and support any time. We may occassionally call on you to assist with parties, field trips, fundraisers, and class projects. We maintain an "open door" policy for families and hope you will feel welcometo stop by and participate in your child's day.
How is my child's progess assessed?At The WEE Center we assess childrens progress throughout the year with our small group activities. We also complete two formal assessments which we use to prepare for Parent-Teacher Conferences. We utilize our own activity and academic assessment form that tracks progress between Fall and Spring. In the Fall we also use the activity-based, parent completed Ages and Stages Questionnaire as a general developmental screening tool. Teachers will also implement the ASQ if there are any concerns noticed in school or upon request. Please see below for a video about the Ages and Stages Questionnaire.
What if my child requires outside services such as speech, occupational, or physical therapy?"Throughout the years we have worked with and developed strong relationships with community providers such as Little Leaves Behavioral Services, The Learning and Therapy Corner, Baltimore County Public Schools, Infants and Toddlers, Kennedy Krieger, and Project Act for a variety of support services. We are quite amenable to integrating these extra supports into our program and making the addition as seamless as possible.
What is the discipline policy?We make every effort to reduce the opportunity for negative behaviors; however, on the occassion that discipline is necessary, we believe in using logical/natural consequences, redirection, and encouragement of appropriate behaviors to gently and lovingly guide children in ultimately becoming self-disciplined.
Ages & Stages Video

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